We are People of Action
MONSTER GARAGE SALE in the BIG GREEN SHED every Saturday morning in Linde Reserve
Our Rotary on Linde BIG GREEN SHED provides clothing, shoes and bric-a-brac items. Also books, toys, art, DVDs and LP records as well as household electrical, small furniture, sporting equipment and tools. All at affordable prices.
Location - in Linde Reserve at Stepney (Bus stop 6, Payneham Road).
Opening times - Every Saturday morning from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm.
Our Café – Serves coffee, light BBQ snacks and drinks.
Dog Owners with their pets on a leash are welcome.
Electronics Recycling – there’s a bin at the Shed for items. This provides work for the employees at Minda.
We need your help - to DONATE items, to help SORT items, to SERVE on Saturdays.
A motivated group of eight mature blokes from the local community have met monthly since August 2023 in a year-long Club pilot project developed for participants to learn some of the finer points of meal making, and to enjoy a fun time together.
So far food prepping has included equipment skills, recipe use, time management, using the oven and induction hob, food safety and good shopping practices. 
Sessions are held monthly on the third Wednesday from 10am to 1pm at the Payneham Community Centre, 374 Payneham Rd, Payneham (corner of Portrush and Payneham Roads). Cost is $15 per session and all food prepared is eaten as part of fellowship and before the final clean up.
The BLOKES KITCHEN is a Rotary Club of St Peters Community Service project.
Link to the July 2024 Blokes Kitchen Newsletter -
The School Kitchen Garden is a hands-on learning program whereby students learn how to grow, harvest, prepare and serve fresh food. They become involved is planting seeds, watering, fertilising and caring for edible plants. 
They harvest the crop and then learn how to store, prepare, cook and serve them as nutritious food. No doubt they enjoy eating the fruits of their labour and thereby develop an understanding of vegetable farming from paddock to plate.
The Rotary Club of St Peters in conjunction with the MGA Whittles Community Foundation supports the Trinity Gardens School Kitchen Garden.
AllKids is a not-for-profit organisation providing education to disadvantaged children. The AllKids program is focused on the coastal commune of Ream in Sihanouk Province, Cambodia.
Many of the local of children were not attending school or only attending infrequently.
The AllKids Learning Centres offer tuition in programs not available in the public schools such as English and IT. 
The Rotary Club of St Peters has donated significant sums of money to support the Allkids project.
Club Logo
About Our Club

Service Above Self

We meet In Person
Tuesdays at 6:15 PM
Kensington Hotel
23 Regent St.
Kensington, S.A. 5068
0418 858 717
Club President
Wendy Gaborit 
President 2024-25
Our Banner
Club Calendar
February 2025
Probus Clubs
Fun and Friendship
in Retirement
Click on the END POLIO NOW image for a video of Bil Gates thanking Rotary​​​​​​​

We need Your Help

Does your Community Project need funds for –
- Youth at-risk 
- Literacy 
- Poverty and Hunger 
- Environment 
- Education Events 
- Community Safety 
If so the Rotary Club of St Peters may be able to assist.
Our Club members put in a lot of voluntary work to raise money, mainly through sales at the Rotary Shed. This money is used to support Community Projects, and a proportion of that money is available by request. We receive far more requests than we can support, so there are guidelines set by the Club so as to concentrate on areas of real need within our Community.
A copy of these guidelines, including an application form, can be downloaded from our website by following this link –
We welcome New Members
Individuals and Businesses can apply for membership of our Club. 
For the latest news about our Club, go to -
or scan this QR code -
Rotary District 9510
The St Peters Club is in Rotary District 9510 which encompasses most of South Australia, the Victorian Sunraysia, Broken Hill in NSW and Alice Springs in the NT.
The District Governor for year 2024-25 is
Marie-louise Lees of the Rotary Club of Gawler Light.
More information about Rotary District 9510 can be found at -
Rotary International
Rotary is a global network of 1.2 million neighbours, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who come together to make positive, lasting change in communities at home and abroad.
The President of Rotary International for the year 2024-25 is Stephanie A. Urchick of the Rotary Club of South McMurray, Pennsylvania, USA.
Link to the Rotary International website
The Rotary Foundation
Our Club, in most years, contributes $100 per member to the Rotary Foundation, As the charitable arm of Rotary, The Rotary Foundation taps into a global network of Rotarians who invest their time, money, and expertise into priorities, such as eradicating polio and promoting peace.
Club Sponsors
The MGA Whittles Community Foundation unites with the Rotary Club of St Peters to support projects including the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation at Trinity Gardens School and Allkids in Cambodia.


North Terrace Tyres of 55 North Terrace, Hackney have been supplying tyres at special prices for the Rotary truck which is used to collect donations of goods.
Peter Giessauf of International Cycles, 70 Payneham Road, Stepney, has been assisting our Club by fixing up bicycles before they are listed on Gumtree.
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